Rail unites to champion equality, diversity and inclusion


Rail unites to champion equality, diversity and inclusion

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The Railway Industry Association (RIA) and Women in Rail (WR) launched a Charter to champion equality, diversity and inclusion in the UK railway industry.

The joint ‘Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Charter’  is a commitment to work together to build a more balanced, fair and high performing sector. This is a voluntary initiative, open to all companies, clients and organisations working in the UK rail sector who wish to play a role in promoting positive change in our industry, whilst also recognising the progress which has already taken place. Signatories to this Charter aspire to be the best in everything they, and collectively the UK railway sector, do and therefore aim to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Signatory companies recognise that an inclusive workforce is good for business. It brings diversity of thought, innovation, and a positive workforce culture as well as improved customer relationships. Diversity and inclusion are also increasingly important to rail clients and investors.

Signatory companies support social mobility and are committed to creating equal opportunities for everyone. They recognise the role our industry can play in creating opportunities and unlocking talent. They understand that embedding an inclusive culture within their own organisations, and collectively within the UK railway industry, is crucial to unlocking the potential a diverse workforce can offer. It will help develop the next generation of leaders in rail, make our sector a more attractive career, foster innovation and play a substantial role in the creation of a best in class railway sector in the UK.

The Charter

RIA Chairman David Tonkin and Chief Executive Darren Caplan issued the following joint statement:

“We are delighted to announce the EDI Charter in partnership with Women in Rail. Whilst there has been plenty of progress in the rail supply sector which we should be proud of, there is still more to do to promote diversity and equal opportunity.

“The rail workforce should be representative of a modern UK, providing an attractive career path to people of all ages from all backgrounds, and ultimately increasing the talent pool from which the future leadership of the rail sector will be drawn.

“We hope the Charter will help encourage not just equality, diversity and inclusion in the rail supply sector, but also diversity of thought, unlocking new talent and building a positive culture throughout the railway industry. We look forward to working with organisations from across the sector to ensure that rail remains a fantastic area to work in during the years ahead.”

Women in Rail Founder and Director Adeline Ginn MBE, said:

“The rail industry has worked hard in the last few years to promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within its workforce.

In these challenging times, it is important we strengthen these EDI efforts to ensure we attract and harness the skills, knowledge and insight from men and women representing all parts of our society and our customers.

This Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Charter represents our industry’s commitment to openly support this agenda and we are delighted to be partnering with the Rail Industry Association on this exciting initiative.”


Over 100 organisations have so far signed the Charter.