Join RIA, YRP & WIR at Trailblazers North Networking Reception – 6th October 2021


Join RIA, YRP & WIR at Trailblazers North Networking Reception – 6th October 2021

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The Railway Industry Association (RIA), Young Rail Professionals (YRP), and Women in Rail would like to invite you to the Trailblazers NORTH Networking Reception, on Wednesday 6 October, 18:00 – 20:00 held at the National Railway Museum, York.

Trailblazers brings together young and experienced professionals from across the industry, to learn from each other, make new connections, and celebrate a vibrant and diverse rail workforce. This initiative and event support the vision of EDI Charter launched last November by RIA and WR and the work currently undertaken by the EDI Charter Working Group.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a ‘plus one’ – if you are a senior professional we encourage you to bring a junior colleague or mentee; and if you are a more junior professional we encourage you to bring a senior colleague (although this is not compulsory). Please note that both you and your plus one will need to register online.

To register for this events, Click HERE


17:50 – Guests arrive

18:30 – Speeches, including Neil Robertson, CEO of NSAR and Judith McNicol, Director of the National Railway Museum. Chaired by Justin Moss, Co-Chair of the Northern Rail Industry Leaders.

18:50 – Drinks, canapes and networking!

20:00 – Reception ends

Covid-19 Information: The Reception will be held in Station Hall. RIA and the National Railway Museum will be taking steps to minimise the spread of Covid-19 and keep our members and colleagues safe.